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Chamber and committees

Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee

Petitioner submission of 26 October 2021

PE1899/B - Conduct risk benefit analysis prior to providing under 16s with Covid-19 vaccination

I would like to thank the Committee for their consideration of my petition.

I appreciate all that you have considered across science and medical research, however, I continue to have grave concerns around giving the Covid 19 vaccine to under 16s.

Outlined is the accruing evidenced global research.

I hereby submit a small sample of the most recent evidence and urgently request a Risk Benefit Analysis from Independent International Research Organisations as well as established Government organisations to show a more accurate stance.

Dr Paul Alexander, Senior former HHS & WHO Advisor, quotes multiple studies on the risk of Covid infection to children and stated in this article that:

“There is very little risk and no data or evidence or science to justify any of the Covid-19 injections in children”, published by Brownstone Institute (Alexander 2021) He also said: “If we move forward with the vaccination of our children without the proper safety testing, then we will present them with potentially catastrophic risk, including deaths in some”.

Finland has now joined Sweden, Denmark and Norway in recommending against use of the Moderna vaccine citing risks of rare cardiovascular side effects. (Chopping 2021)

There is increasing evidence that “suggest that children may be less frequently infected or infect others” (Source: Xue Li 2020). There is also strong evidence of a much-reduced incidence of contracting Covid 19 in children. (Source: Jonathan Baruch Steinman 2020)

Dr Martin Makary, Chief, Islet Transplant Surgery and Professor of Surgery at John Hopkins said in “Medpage Today” to think twice before giving the Covid 19 vaccination to healthy children. He said that based on the data to date, there was no compelling case to vaccinate children (Martin Makary MD 2021) and that “transmission among kids is markedly reduced -- a trend now noted in the U.S.”. He also said that: “Seven adolescent children were reported to have myocarditis within 4 days after receiving the second Pfizer vaccine dose.” He says: “Given that the risk of a healthy child dying is between zero and infinitesimally rare, it's understandable that many parents are appropriately asking, why vaccinate healthy kids at all?”.

Professor Hendrick Streeck of the University of Bonn and Director of Virology published a paper stating that: “The unexpectedly low secondary infection risk among persons living in the same household has important implications for measures installed to contain the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic” (Hendrik Streeck 2020) Professor Streeck found the overall mortality rate to be 0.37% across the lifespan which is markedly low. He also said that in a news report that he also found that the SARS- CoV-2 virus was losing its virulence and was increasingly less severe.

There is now an increasing body of evidence to support The Scottish Parliament acting in the best interests of those under 16 years of age and to authorise a full risk benefit analysis. I can supply extensive research to this effect. Our children are precious and are our future. I conclude from researched evidence that the risk of transmission to others from those under 16 years is negligible as is the risk of Covid 19 to those under age 16 years. Natural immunity does not appear to have been fully investigated and the longer-term effects are unknown for all four Covid 19 vaccines. I am also concerned that this move to vaccinate those under 16 is being driven more politically rather than medically.

Related correspondences

Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee

Scottish Government submission of 27 September 2021

PE1899/A - Conduct a risk benefit analysis prior to providing those under 16 with Covid-19 vaccination