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Chamber and committees

Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee

Scottish Government submission of 4 May 2021

PE1858/A - Provide free face masks for everyone in Scotland


The Scottish Government advocates the use of re-usable face coverings and has provided guidance on how to make these, using widely available household products.

In respect of affordability, we have committed over £1 billion of additional investment to help local communities and build resilience in public services. Some of this has been used by local partners including third sector to provide face coverings free of charge to people on low incomes and for particularly vulnerable groups such as homeless people.

This additional funding includes over £140 million specifically focussed on tackling food insecurity, with around £56 million being invested to continue the provision of free school meal replacements during school closures, holidays and periods of online learning. Many food charities supported, in recognition of the requirement to wear face coverings, have provided these free of charge alongside other support provided.

We allocated £40 million directly to local authorities for them to tackle financial insecurity and meet need in their local area, and provided an additional £30 million specifically to support people impacted by COVID restrictions and guidance.

Given the significant impact on the pandemic on household incomes, particularly for those with children, we have delivered additional hardship payments for children in receipt of Free School Meals alongside launching the Scottish Child Payment for eligible children under the age of 6. In the coming year a further £130 pandemic payment will be made to low income households in receipt of Council Tax Reduction, and two £100 Family Pandemic Payments will be made for each eligible child in receipt of Free School Meals.

FACTS The Scottish Governments FACTS campaign helps us remember the key measures we need to comply with:

Face coverings in enclosed spaces;

Avoid crowded places;

Clean hands and surfaces regularly;

Two metre distancing; and

Self-isolate and book a test – if you have symptoms.

Face Coverings

On Friday 23 February 2021, The First Minister announced the updated Coronavirus (Covid-19): Scotland’s Strategic Framework. This framework sets out how we will work to suppress the virus and presents reflection of the decisions we will need to make.

Scottish Government face covering decisions have been informed by advice from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE). We continue to apply the advice from WHO, SAGE and other appropriate sources of evidence to inform decisions in Scotland.

Face coverings can provide some protection to the wearer from droplet and aerosol transmission and they can also provide protection to those around the wearer. That’s why we have made the use of face coverings mandatory in a large range of indoor public places, including where we know the risks are highest. We have also advised the use of face coverings outdoors where two metre distancing is difficult to maintain. There are a range of exemptions set out in legislation which describe circumstances in which wearing a face covering can be excused, including health reasons.

All policy is made with the goal of keeping people in Scotland safe and bringing a swift end to the pandemic with as little harm to wider society as possible.

Accessibility and Affordability of Face Coverings

The accessibility of face coverings has always been a key consideration for the Scottish Government. Our face coverings guidance recommends the use of re-usable face coverings that are two, preferably three, layers thick and we have provided a video on how to make your own face covering from household products. We have also provided guidance on how to clean a face covering if you do not have access to a washing machine. And we have produced a video on face covering best practice.

While we are not centrally providing face coverings to the general public, local authorities and schools consider how to address any equity concerns arising from the use of face coverings and we are aware that some schools have procured transparent face coverings through Scottish Excel to support deaf children and facilitate lip reading. Our guidance on reducing the risks from COVID-19 in schools states that where anybody is struggling to access a face covering, or where they are unable to use their face covering due to having forgotten it or it having become soiled/unsafe, schools should take steps to have a contingency supply available to meet such needs.

Many homelessness outreach teams also provide disposable face coverings and a number of supermarkets and other retailers provide free disposable face coverings.


The Scottish Government continues to take an evidence based approach to do all we can to stop the spread of the virus and support those impacted by Covid-19. In relation to face coverings, we continue to keep our policy and guidance under active review and if appropriate will bring forward further changes in line with emerging evidence.