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Chamber and committees

Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee

University of Dundee submission of 18 November 2021

PE1723/O – Essential tremor treatment in Scotland

I can confirm that the MRgFUS system installed ealier this year has been used to treat five patients with Essential Tremor (ET). These patients have been assessed following referrals from clinicians around Scotland.

As the committee is aware, the evidence base for MRgFUS effectiveness in ET is now beyond doubt. This is reflected in the approval of this treatment by NHS England for 150 ET treatments per year as part of standard NHS care in England. In the absence of an equivalent funding mechanism or approval in NHS Scotland, the first treatments in Dundee were made possible using charitable funds. I can confirm, however, that funding approval from individual NHS health boards has been obtained for patients that will be treated in Dundee over the forthcoming months.

Assessment of NHS Scotland ET patients for MRgFUS is currently being supported by University the Dundee. The long term goal for the University is clinical trial research into emerging indications for MRgFUS in conditions such as Parkinson’s Disease. Establishing a fully supported NHS service for MRgFUS in Scotland will be critical delivering on this goal alongside the adoption of MRgFUS as standard NHS care for ET patients in Scotland.

In this regard we would welcome clarification from the Scottish Government as to the timeframe with which a re-application to National Service’s Division (NSD) would be accepted. This would allow us to plan our service going forward to ensure continued access for patients and a sustainable model of service delivery for this life changing treatment.