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Making children's rights the law - the Scottish Parliament wants to know what you think

What is the Children's Rights Bill?

A Bill is an idea for a new law that the Scottish Parliament needs to think about. Right now, there is a new Bill that would make children's rights part of the law in Scotland. This is sometimes called "incorporation".

Children's rights are what children need to grow up happy, healthy and safe. They are written in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child or the "UNCRC" for short. The UNCRC also says what governments should do to respect children's rights.

The Scottish Parliament's Equalities and Human Rights Committee is looking at the Bill and want to know what you think about your rights and how they can be protected. What you say is really important. It will help the Scottish Parliament decide if any changes are needed so that the Bill works properly. It will also help the Scottish Parliament decide if the Bill will become a law.

What have children said before?

Children have said it's very important that their rights are made part of the law. They said this would make things better for their lives and that adults would listen to children and take them more seriously.

How do I learn more about my rights and the Bill?

You can learn more about your rights through two links that you can click on at These websites have pictures to help explain your rights. You might also like to ask an adult to help you.

How can I share my views?

We have made a pack with activities that adults can use to help you share your views. You might like to ask an adult to write down what you have to say. You don't have to answer all the questions. There are no right or wrong answers.

You can share your views by sending the Committee:

  • a letter or email
  • a picture you have made
  • a video in British Sign Language
  • a photo you have taken of something you have created or done

Here are some examples of things that have been produced.

Please don't send photos of you or anyone else; this is to protect people's privacy.

If you use BSL, you can give your views in BSL. You can send a BSL video to the Scottish Parliament’s Equalities and Human Rights Committee.

You need to send your views by 20 November 2020. To do this, go to

What will happen next?

The Equalities and Human Rights Committees will look at all the things you send us and think about them. The Scottish Parliament will then talk about the Bill and decide if they need to make any changes to it. The Scottish Parliament will vote on the Bill to decide if it will become a law. This will happen in spring 2021.

If you have any questions, you can ask the Equalities and Human Rights Committee. Email [email protected]

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