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Chamber and committees


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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 1 September 2024

Displaying 330 correspondence

Finance and Public Administration Committee

2022-23 Scottish Budget Timetable

13 September 2021

Letter from Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy to the Convener of 13 September 2021

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Funding advice as a measure of preventative spend

9 September 2021

Letter from Director of Impact, Citizens Advice Scotland, to the Convener of 9 September 2021

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Response on process and timetable around Scottish Budget 2022-23

7 September 2021

Letter from the Convener to the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy of 7 September 2021

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Fiscal Sustainability Report

6 September 2021

Letter from the Chair of the Scottish Fiscal Commission to the Convener of 6 September 2021

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Process and timetable around Scottish Budget 2022-23

30 August 2021

Letter from Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy to the Convener of 30 August 2021

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Finance Ministers Quadrilateral

23 July 2021

Letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Economy of 23 July 2021

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Provisional statistics on 2019-20 outturn for Scottish Income Tax

22 July 2021

Letter from Minister for Public Finance, Planning and Community Wealth, 22 July 2021

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Scottish Government Resource Spending Review 2021

8 July 2021

Letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Economy, 8 July 2021

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Joint Review of Budget

21 June 2021

Letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Economy and the Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport of 21 June 2021

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Summer Budget Revision, 2021-22 Funding Changes, 2021-22 Additional Allocations and Fiscal Framework Review

16 June 2021

Letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy to the Committee, 16 June 2021