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Chamber and committees


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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 1 September 2024

Displaying 330 correspondence

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Updated procedure for handling complaints by civil servants - December 2022 update

20 December 2022

Letter from the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for COVID Recovery to the Convener of 20 December 2022

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Pre-Budget Scrutiny - Scottish Government Response

20 December 2022

Letter from the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for COVID Recovery to the Convener of 20 December 2022

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Frameworks and Forecasts - Taxation in Scotland

16 December 2022

Letter from the Convener to the Deputy First Minister of 16 December 2022

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Budget - Scottish Fiscal Commission December 2022 Forecasts

15 December 2022

Letter from the Chair of the Scottish Fiscal Commission to the Convener of 15 December 2022

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Scottish Fiscal Commission - Data on Adult and Child Social Security Payments and Non-Domestic Rates

15 December 2022

Letter from the Chair, Scottish Fiscal Commission to the Convener of 15 December 2022

Finance and Public Administration Committee

National Performance Framework - COSLA response

14 December 2022

Letter from the COSLA President to the Convener of 14 December 2022

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill Post Legislative Scrutiny - Scottish Government response

13 December 2022

Letter from the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for COVID Recovery to the Deputy Convener of 13 December 2022

Finance and Public Administration Committee

National Performance Framework - Scottish Government response

13 December 2022

Letter from the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for COVID Recovery to the Convener of 13 December 2022

Finance and Public Administration Committee

EU Structural Funds - December 2022 Invite to What Works Centre for Local Government Growth to give evidence

9 December 2022

Letter from the Convener to the Director, What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth of 9 December 2022

Finance and Public Administration Committee

EU Structural Funds - December 2022 Invite to Local Authorities to give evidence

7 December 2022

Letter from the Convener to Chief Executives of Local Authorities of 7 December 2022