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Chamber and committees


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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 1 September 2024

Displaying 330 correspondence

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Publication of the 2024-25 Budget - letter of 30 June 2023

30 June 2023

Letter from the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Finance to the Convener of 30 June 2023

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Tax Advisory Group

29 June 2023

Letter from the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Finance to the Convener of 29 June 2023

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Public Service Reform - COSLA follow-up from meeting on 20 June 2023

29 June 2023

Letter from the Director of Membership and Resources of COSLA to the Convener of 29 June 2023

Finance and Public Administration Committee

State of the Statistical System Report 2022-23

28 June 2023

Letter from the Chair of the UK Statistics Authority to the Convener of 28 June 2023

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Block Grant Adjustments - Letter of 28 June 2023

28 June 2023

Letter from the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Finance to the Convener of 28 June 2023

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Publication of the 2024-25 Scottish Budget

28 June 2023

Letter from the Convener to the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Finance of 28 June 2023

Finance and Public Administration Committee

EU Structural Funds - response from Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to letter of 2 June 2023

23 June 2023

Letter from the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, UK Government to the Convener of 23 June 2023

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Deputy First Minister - follow up from meeting on 13 June 2023 and Budget 2024-25

23 June 2023

Letter from the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Finance to the Convener of 23 June 2023

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Finance: Interministerial Standing Committee meeting of 22 June 2023

23 June 2023

Letter from the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Finance to the Convener of 23 June 2023

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Proposed Contingent Liability discussed at meeting on 13 June 2023

20 June 2023

Letter from the Convener to the Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care of 20 June 2023