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Chamber and committees


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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 1 September 2024

Displaying 200 correspondence

Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee

Letter from the Minister with special responsibility for Refugees from Ukraine Neil Gray

7 March 2023

Letter from the Minister with responsibility for Refugees from Ukraine, Neil Gray following his recent appearance before the Committee on the 9 February 2023, received 7 March 2023.

Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee

Supporting Displaced Ukrainians in Scotland

27 February 2023

Letter to Felicity Buchan MP from the Convener on Supporting Displaced Ukrainians in Scotland, 27 February 2023..

Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee

Future of the Culture Sector

7 February 2023

Letter from the Convener to the Cabinet Secretary for Constitution, External Affairs and Culture regarding the Committee's concerns over the future of the culture sector, 7 February 2022

Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee

Response from the Minister for Europe, Leo Docherty MP to the Convener - Northern Ireland Protocol Bill

31 January 2023

Letter from the Minister for Europe, Leo Docherty MP to the Convener following the recommendations of the Committee's report on the LCM for the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill, 31 January 2023.

Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee

Response to letter on Section 35 Order in relation to the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill

30 January 2023

Letter from the Convener to RT Hon Alister Jack MP, Secretary of State for Scotland, 30 January 2023.

Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee

Section 35 Order in relation to the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill

19 January 2023

Letter to Rt Hon Alister Jack MP Secretary of State for Scotland, 19 January 2023.

Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee

Letter from Minister Neil Gray MSP in relation to the Resettlement Scheme MS Ambition

12 January 2023

Letter from Minister Neil Gray MSP with special responsibility for Refugees from Ukraine about the Ukraine Resettlement – MS Ambition, 12 January 2023.

Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee

Letter from the Scottish Government on the work undertaken by Scotland's International Network

22 December 2022

Letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Constitution, External Affairs and Culture providing an update on the work undertaken by Scotland's international network, 22 December 2022.

Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee

Response from the Scottish Government in relation to the Committees Pre Budget Scrutiny 2023-24

20 December 2022

Response from the Cabinet Secretary for the Constitution, External Affairs and Culture in relation to the Committee's report on Culture Funding for 2023/24, 20 December 2022.