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Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Bill

This Member’s Bill was introduced by Monica Lennon MSP. The Bill as introduced proposes different ways to make period products (like sanitary pads and tampons) available for free to people who need them.

This is a Member's bill

The Bill became an Act on 12 January 2021

Introduced: the Bill and its documents


This Member’s Bill was introduced by Monica Lennon MSP. The Bill as introduced proposes different ways to make period products (like sanitary pads and tampons) available for free to people who need them.

Under the Bill:

  • the Scottish Government must set up a Scotland-wide scheme to allow anyone who needs period products to get them free of charge
  • schools, colleges and universities must make a range of period products available for free, in their toilets
  • the Scottish Government will have the power to make other public bodies provide period products for free 

Why the Bill was created

Monica Lennon's aim for the Bill is to tackle "period poverty", which is when some people who need period products struggle to afford them. She sees these products as a basic necessity, and believes that providing access to them is important for people's dignity. She supports what the Scottish Government has already done to provide free period products to those in need. She wants to go further by making this a legal requirement.

Accompanying Documents

Explanatory Notes (126KB, pdf) posted 13 March 2023

Policy Memorandum (312KB, pdf) posted 13 March 2023

Financial Memorandum (396KB, pdf) posted 13 March 2023

Delegated Powers Memorandum (130KB, pdf) posted 13 March 2023

Statements on legislative competence (84KB, pdf) posted 13 March 2023

Financial Resolution

The Presiding Officer has decided under Rule 9.12 of Standing Orders that a financial resolution is required for this Bill.

Research on the Bill

The Scottish Parliament's Information Centre (SPICe) prepares impartial research and analysis to assist MSPs in their examination of Bills and other parliamentary business.

Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Bill SPICe briefing

The Bill was introduced on 23 April 2019

Stage 1: general principles

At Stage 1, the Bill is given to a lead committee. This is usually the committee whose remit most closely relates to the subject of the Bill. The lead committee will consider and report on the Bill. Other committees may also examine the Bill and report to the lead committee. Finally, there is a debate and vote by all MSPs on the general principles of the Bill. If the general principles are not agreed to, then the Bill ‘falls’ and can’t become law.

Lead committee examines the Bill

The lead committee for this Bill is the Local Government and Communities Committee. The lead committee considers and reports on the Bill.

Call for views (closed)

The deadline for sharing your views on this Bill has passed.

Read the responses

Who spoke to the lead committee

Work by other committees

Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee

Stage 1 Debate and decision

A Stage 1 debate took place on 25 February 2020 to consider and decide on the general principles of the Bill.

  • Motion title: Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Bill
  • Text of motion: That the Parliament agrees to the general principles of the Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Bill.
  • Submitted by: Monica Lennon
  • Date lodged: Wednesday, 05 February 2020
  • Motion reference: S5M-20756
  • Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Result 112 for, 0 against, 1 abstained, 16 did not vote Vote Passed

See further details of the motion

Parliament agreed the general principles of the Bill

The Bill ended Stage 1 on 25 February 2020

Stage 2: changes to the Bill

At Stage 2, MSPs can propose changes to a Bill. These are called 'amendments'. Any MSP can suggest amendments but only members of the Stage 2 committee can decide on them. 

First meeting on amendments

Documents with the changes considered at the meeting held on 28 October 2020:

Marshalled List of Amendments for Stage 2 (207KB, pdf) posted 15 October 2020

Groupings of Amendments for Stage 2 (214KB, pdf) posted 15 October 2020

Printing changes

Printing changes are changes to the text of a Bill. They will not change the legal effect of the Bill.

Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Bill printing changes made in preparing the Bill as Amended at Stage 2 (52KB, pdf) posted 28 October 2020

Revised Documents 

Revised Explanatory Notes (139KB, pdf) posted 19 November 2020

Revised Financial Memorandum (247KB, pdf) posted 12 November 2020

Revised Delegated Powers Memorandum (123KB, pdf) posted 12 November 2020

Work by other committees

Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee

The Bill ended Stage 2 on 28 October 2020

Stage 3: final changes and vote

At Stage 3, MSPs can propose further amendments (changes) to the Bill. These are debated and decided on in the Debating Chamber. At this stage, all MSPs can vote on them.  There is then a debate on whether to pass the Bill. If the Bill is not passed, it ‘falls’ and can't become law. 

Debate on proposed amendments

Documents with the changes considered at the meeting on 24 November 2020:

Marshalled List of Amendments for Stage 3 (153KB, pdf) posted 18 November 2020

Timed Groupings of Amendments for Stage 3 (160KB, pdf) posted 23 November 2020

Final version of the Bill

Final debate on the Bill

Once MSPs have decided on the amendments, they debate whether to pass the Bill.

  • Motion title: Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Bill
  • Text of motion: That the Parliament agrees that the Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Bill be passed.
  • Submitted by: Monica Lennon
  • Date lodged: Wednesday, 11 November 2020
  • Motion reference: S5M-23328
  • Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Result 121 for, 0 against, 0 abstained, 8 did not vote Vote Passed

See further details of the motion

  • Motion title: Stage 3 Timetable
  • Text of motion: That the Parliament agrees that, during stage 3 of the Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Bill, debate on groups of amendments shall, subject to Rule 9.8.4A, be brought to a conclusion by the time limit indicated, those time limits being calculated from when the stage begins and excluding any periods when other business is under consideration or when a meeting of the Parliament is suspended (other than a suspension following the first division in the stage being called) or otherwise not in progress: Groups 1 to 5: 55 mins.
  • Submitted by: Graeme Dey
  • Date lodged: Monday, 23 November 2020
  • Motion reference: S5M-23447
  • Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Tuesday, 24 November 2020

See further details of the motion

Parliament decided to pass the Bill

The Bill ended Stage 3 on 24 November 2020

Bill becomes an Act

If the Bill is passed, it can receive Royal Assent and become an Act.

This Bill was passed on 24 November 2020 and became an Act on 12 January 2021.

Read the Act

Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Act 2021