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Scottish Parliament

The Scottish Parliament examines what the Scottish Government is doing, makes new laws on devolved matters and debates the issues of the day.

Tuesday in Parliament

Parliament meets at 2pm on Tuesday. Business includes:

  • Topical Questions
  • a Scottish Government debate: Fiscal sustainability
  • Members' Business from Emma Roddick: Recognising the dangers of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

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What's on in Parliament

Topical Questions

The following Topical Questions will be answered on Tuesday:

Liam Kerr: To ask the Scottish Government for what reason it launched a court appeal against a ruling by the Scottish Information Commissioner, in light of this costing tens of thousands of pounds and it reportedly receiving legal advice that it was likely to fail. 

Daniel Johnson: To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to reports that Young Enterprise Scotland faces closure due to it withdrawing its support. 

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What's on in Parliament

Alex Salmond: Motion of condolence

Following the death of former First Minister Alex Salmond, the Scottish Parliament is expected to debate a Motion of Condolence on Wednesday afternoon.

A book of condolence has been opened at the Parliament to allow visitors to pay their respects. An online book of condolence is also available for those who cannot come into the Holyrood building in person.

Read the Motion of Condolence


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Presiding Officers

Alison Johnstone MSP is the elected Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament.

Annabelle Ewing and Liam McArthur are Deputy Presiding Officers (DPOs).

Find out more about the Presiding Officer and DPOs

Public petitions

Petitions are a way to ask the Parliament to do something.

Any person or organisation can submit a petition: you do not have to be a certain age or live in Scotland.

MSPs cannot submit a petition but they can support them.

Find out more about submitting a petition to the Parliament

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