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Chamber and committees

Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee

Meeting date: Tuesday, November 13, 2018



Deputy convener

*John Scott (Ayr) (Con)

* Attended

The following also participated:

Andy Cope (Sustrans)

Katy Dickson (Scottish Land & Estates)

Ian Findlay (Paths for All)

Keith Irving (Cycling Scotland)

Dr Andy Jefferson (Sustainable Aviation)

Bruce Kiloh (Strathclyde Partnership for Transport)

Rebecca Kite (Freight Transport Association)

Patrick Krause (Scottish Crofters Federation)

Andrew Midgley (NFU Scotland)

Jess Pepper (Transform Scotland)

Professor David Reay (University of Edinburgh)

Martin Reid (Road Haulage Association)

Pete Ritchie (Nourish Scotland)

Kate Rowell (Quality Meat Scotland)

Professor Eileen Wall (Scottish Environment, Food and Agriculture Research Institutes Gateway)

Clerk to the committee

Lynn Tullis