That the Parliament recognises 15 June 2017 as the first National Clean Air Day in the UK; believes that this is a significant initiative to help raise awareness of the impact of poor air quality on people; understands that air quality is the fourth biggest public health risk across Scotland and the UK; welcomes the research, which was funded by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) and was carried out by Professor Dave Newby at the BHF Centre of Research Excellence at the University of Edinburgh; notes what it sees as the role of this in increasing awareness of the impact of poor air quality on people living with cardiovascular disease (CVD); understands that 84,300 people in the Central Scotland parliamentary region, 79,200 in Glasgow, 60,700 in Highlands and Islands, 79,300 in Lothian, 84,800 in Mid Scotland & Fife, 91,300 in North East Scotland, 97,800 in South Scotland and 92,600 in West Scotland are living with the impact of CVD and are more susceptible to health issues relating to poor air quality, and notes calls for improving air quality to be a public health priority in Scotland.
Supported by:
Clare Adamson, Tom Arthur, Jackie Baillie, Claudia Beamish, Alex Cole-Hamilton, Neil Findlay, John Finnie, Ross Greer, Emma Harper, Patrick Harvie, Alison Johnstone, Liam Kerr, Ben Macpherson, John Mason, Ivan McKee, Gail Ross, Anas Sarwar, David Stewart, David Torrance, Brian Whittle, Andy Wightman