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Language: English / GĂ idhlig


Get involved


Everyone in Scotland can be involved in the Scottish Parliament, whatever language they use. Gaelic plays an important part in the Scottish Parliament. 

Use Gaelic to engage with the Parliament

You can engage with the Parliament in Gaelic, whether you are a fluent speaker or a learner. Some of the ways you can engage are by:

Participate in the parliament using Gaelic

You can participate in the Scottish Parliament using Gaelic. You can use Gaelic to:

  • write to or email your MSPs
  • send your views to committees
  • submit a petition

Raising awareness

We also want to raise awareness of Gaelic through measures such as bilingual signage in our building and the use of Gaelic in our publications.

For full details of Gaelic in the Scottish Parliament, see our SPCB Gaelic language plan and our language policy.

Abair Beagan/Sgrìobh Beagan (Speak a little/Write a little) resources

Learn some simple written Gaelic phrases for parliamentary (or other) meetings and some simple written Gaelic for correspondence.

Abair Beagan/Sgrìobh Beagan resources

Virtual tour

Take a 360-degree video tour of the Scottish Parliament, with guidance in Gaelic.

Gaelic Language Plans

Since the Gaelic Language Act was passed in 2005, public bodies like the Scottish Parliament need to prepare a document called a Gaelic Language Plan, every 5 years.

This plan sets out how we will

  • use Gaelic in the daily operation of The Scottish Parliament 
  • enable Gaelic to be used when communicating with the public and key partners, and 
  • promote and develop Gaelic

Plan for 2023-2028 


Tha sinn ag amas air dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil na sgrìobhainnean pdf uile air am foillseachadh ann an cruth làn ruigsinneach. Ach, nuair a chuireas buidheann bhon taobh a-muigh sgrìobhainnean thugainn chan eil seo an-còmhnaidh comasach. Ma tha feum agad air an sgrìobhainn seo ann an cruth eile, nach cuir thu fios gu Sgioba na Gàidhlig. Gheibhear tuilleadh fiosrachaidh anns an aithris ruigsinneachd againn.


We aim to make sure all documents are published as fully accessible pdfs. However, when documents are sent to us by an external organisation this is not always possible. If you need this document provided in an alternative format, please contact the Gaelic Team. Further information can be found in our accessibility statement.

The latest plan covering 2023 to 2028 is available here.

Plana Gàidhlig BCPA 2023-28 (2MB, pdf) posted 18 January 2024

SPCB Gaelic Language Plan 2023-28 (2MB, pdf) posted 18 January 2024

Previous plan

Find the 2018-2023 plan on our old website

Gaelic Language Plan monitoring reports

SPCB Gaelic Language Plan Monitoring Report 2019/20 (English) (428KB, pdf) posted 05 October 2023

SPCB Gaelic Language Plan Monitoring Report 2019/20 (Gaelic) (606KB, pdf) posted 05 October 2023

SPCB Gaelic Language Plan Monitoring Report 2020/21 (English) (350KB, pdf) posted 05 October 2023

SPCB Gaelic Language Plan Monitoring Report 2020/21 (Gaelic) (379KB, pdf) posted 05 October 2023

SPCB Gaelic Language Plan Monitoring Report 2021/22 (English) (348KB, pdf) posted 05 October 2023

SPCB Gaelic Language Plan Monitoring Report 2021/22 (Gaelic) (343KB, pdf) posted 05 October 2023

How we use Gaelic at the Parliament

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